Susie Morrell, originally from the US, shares her frustration regarding the religious domination of schools in Ireland.
"When I moved to this country I was shocked to learn that the majority of public schools are religiously affiliated. Having come from the US, where the separation of church and state – and secularism of schools – is enshrined in law, the Irish education system feels the wrong way round to me.
Having lived here for over 20 years now, I’ve learned that it’s not just me who feels this is outdated; the majority of my Irish friends and family, and my children’s classmates’ and friends’ parents would also like to see the system updated to reflect modern values. Most people I know want their children to be educated in an environment free from religious influence or affiliation.
I’ve also learned that the ability to find that depends on where you live. Now that I live in Dublin 8, I understand we are at a huge disadvantage in terms of educational choice and, unless something changes soon, we like many others will have to travel outside of our local area when my children reach secondary level. Living in such a central part of the city, with its history, culture and community spirit, I find it astounding that Dublin 8 families are not supported to grow their community through their child’s school experience."